About P.R. Worth Inc.
PR Worth Inc. is one of the preferred civil site work development contractors in the Pacific Northwest.
Specialty Contractor since 1978
Dependable and Forward Thinking
About PR Worth Inc. -Experience is one of the best qualities on which to base your hiring decision, and we have plenty. Below you'll find a variety of projects both completed and ongoing with which we've been involved. From this extensive list of various types of projects, know we will have the expertise, experience and skill to complete any project you might have, regardless of the projects size or scope. Feel free to contact us for additional information regarding any of the projects listed below.

Founded in 1978
About PR Worth Inc.
We started in 1978 as a small specialty contractor. Over the years, we've grown to become one of the preferred civil site work development contractors in Washington and Oregon. We provide expert excavation, site work, underground utilities and development services. Our projects consist from the very large to relatively small in size, primarily serving the commercial, institution, municipal and industrial contractors and developers.

Pride in Workmanship
About PR Worth Inc.
We take great pride in our capabilities, which range from completing underground utility infrastructure improvements to excavations requiring extremely complicated, technical requirements. We also specialize in performing work in restricted and confined spaces often using low emission methods. Performing the difficult tasks that require innovative, creative means and methods is one of our strengths. We're dedicated to mobility and meeting the needs of our clients every time.

The Heart and Soul of PR Worth - Our Employees
About PR Worth Inc.
Our staff and team members are our greatest source of pride – they are the heart and soul of our business. Team members hold a variety of industry standard certifications such as First Aid/CPR, Confined Space, Competent Person, CESCL Lead (erosion control certification), Forklift, OSHA Training and Flagging. We also institute a pre-employment and conduct random UA testing administrated through our health administrator; Work Place Wellness/Peace Health.

Built on a Foundation of Integrity and Honesty
About PR Worth Inc.
We have built our business on a reputation for integrity and honesty; constantly striving as a prime subcontractor to complete projects on time, under budget and, most importantly, safely. With an EMR rating of 0.060 and OSHA 300 log of ZERO recordable loss time accidents in over 35 years, you have the peace of mind that comes only from working with a premier contractor.

We go the extra distance to ensure success!
We pride ourselves on being a dependable, forward thinking, competitive team player willing to go the extra distance to make a project a success-
Commercial, Industrial, Wetlands and Waterways, Residential
Commercial, Industrial, Wetlands and Waterways, Residential
Commercial, Industrial, Wetlands and Waterways, Residential
Land Clearing
Commercial, Industrial, Wetlands and Waterways, Residential
Commercial, Industrial, Wetlands and Waterways, Residential
Hydro Excavation
Daylighting, Expose Utilities, Soil Trenching, Debris Removal, Piling Hole Excavation
Vac Truck
Wet or Dry Material Industrial Mobile Vac System
Line Jetting
Clear Drain & Sewer Lines, Industrial Boilers, and more.
PR Worth ensures a profitable, successful and safe project.
At P.R. Worth Inc., we pride ourselves on offering our clients the widest range of services possible in order to ensure a profitable, successful, safe project for everyone involved. Whether you require new ground up construction, renovation, seismic upgrades or other excavation related improvements, our experienced teams can provide what you need.
PR Worth Inc.
2690 Coweeman Park Drive
Kelso, WA 98626
Office: (360) 636-4296
Fax: (360) 636-5779
Email: info@prworth.com